Parental Relocation

Relocation Attorney Melbourne FL

Parental Relocation – Brevard County

If either parent wants to move more than 50 miles away after a divorce or paternity judgment is entered, a Petition to Relocate must be filed with the court BEFORE the move.  Florida Statute 61.13001 requires that the relocating parent must disclose the reason for the relocation, the new address, a proposed parenting plan, and demonstrate how relocating will affect the best interests of the child(ren).  If relocating because of a transfer or new job, proof of the transfer or job offer/contract must be provided.

The parent remaining in Brevard County has 20 days to respond in writing once served with a Petition to Relocate.  If no response is received by the court before the deadline, the relocation will be allowed without further notice and without a hearing.

Moving? Or need help responding to a Petition to Relocate?  I have years of experience handling relocation cases and will partner with you to help you meet your goals.  Call my office at (321) 728-2311 or contact me online to schedule a free initial consultation.  I look forward to meeting you.